Hi, my name is
Bastian Jakobs
Creator • YouTuber • GFX • Developer
I'm a full-stack web developer from Germany, working as a software engineer at Deutsche Telekom. I have the passion to make the web a beautiful place.
Building web and desktop apps since school. I have a diverse set of skills, ranging from design, NodeJS, Vue, Electron all the way to PHP, MySQL and Linux server administration.
About Me
I've always been involved in nerdy PC stuff, building my own computers, solving friends software and hardware problems, experimenting around with software and operating systems until you crashed the OS and had to reinstall everything. Modded consoles and tinkered with them and even didn't stop at the Dreambox (nowadays with the Raspberry Pi). You name it.
The passion of software development started in the early Counter-Strike era when I founded a clan together with friends and developed my first static website for our clan page.

Later in school I chose Android programming and dynamic websites (php + mysql) as electives. At that time I also made my first experiences with BackTrack (now known as Kali Linux) and cracked my parents WLAN with a netbook.
And today I bring self-taught experience in diverse environments. Among them backend practices in NodeJS and PHP (also a little Python with Django), and mostly Vue for the frontend. Together with Electron, I gained most of my experience in a large desktop application that I built myself and has been in production use for several years in a large NOC (Network Operations Center).
If you want to learn more, or get in touch with me feel free to drop me a line via LinkedIn.